Power Supply Efficiency for Medical Devices: What to Know - Image of four lightbulbs on a green backgournd, one is illuminated and is CFL

Power Supply Efficiency for Medical Devices: What to Know

Power supply efficiency can be an important deciding factor for manufacturers looking to reduce their energy consumption and lower their operating costs. Modern electronics have generally become more efficient over time. However, the world of medical equipment presents a unique set of challenges. Medical devices need to be reliable, contain redundancies, and operate using specialized components, meaning other factors can take precedence over solely efficiency. We’ll talk about power supply efficiency, special considerations for medical devices, and what kind of efficiency to expect from a medical-grade PC-based power supply, using our 800-watt PSU as an example.

What Makes Medical Equipment PSUs Different?

Standard PC-based power supply units (PSUs) are designed for peak performance, as well as idle periods. In contrast, medical equipment PSUs need to operate continuously, generally in demanding environments. These power supplies incorporate redundant components and robust designs to ensure equipment is reliable in critical moments and patients and operators alike are kept safe. Redundancy is vital when powering medical equipment, but it also means that efficiency takes a hit.

Specialized components may also be required in medical equipment, which can also mean PSUs in medical settings are less efficient compared to standard PC power supplies.

Efficiency in Numbers: Our 800W PSU

Medical device manufacturers may look for detailed efficiency charts for power supplies prior to deciding on a vendor. However, providing a comprehensive chart for medical equipment PSUs can be difficult because the use case and specialized components, as well as varying load conditions, can mean efficiency is different depending on the device for the same power supply. However, this is general efficiency data we provide to customers for our 800-watt PSU to paint a clearer picture:

  • 25% load: Approximately 76% efficient
  • 50-75% load: Approximately 82% efficient
  • 750W load: Approximately 78% efficient

These figures provide a general overview of our 800-watt power supply’s efficiency at different load levels. These are typical values, but actual efficiency may vary based on specific operating conditions.

The Future of Efficiency in Medical Equipment

Currently, efficiency levels in medical equipment power supplies are influenced by many factors, including reliability and safety. Ongoing advancements in technology may provide more promising avenues for further efficiency improvements.

  • Components: Semiconductor technology will continue to advance, along with other components, which will lead to increased efficiency in individual components that comprise a power supply or medical device.
  • Power Factor Correction: As they improve, power factor correction circuits can boost efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
  • Digital Control: Advanced digital control systems can learn from use and tweak where necessary, optimizing power supply performance based on real-time conditions. This can lead to greater efficiency over time.

While these developments are promising, manufacturers must constantly balance efficiency gains with the critical requirements unique to medical equipment.

What is the Most Important Factor to Remember When it Comes to Power Supply Efficiency?

While it’s great to look to metrics to inform your power supply selection, it’s important to remember that there isn’t one factor that will determine efficiency, and that efficiency isn’t the only thing to consider with PSUs. Efficiency is a critical aspect of power supply design. However, medical equipment presents unique challenges that impact overall performance and may take precedence over efficiency alone. If you’re looking to optimize energy consumption, you need to do so without compromising equipment reliability, or more importantly, patient safety.

Medical device makers should also be thinking about reliability, customization options, and whether the PSU will be available for the life of their device. Many commercial-grade power supply manufacturers can make PSUs for medical purposes, but if they aren’t focused solely on healthcare use cases, they may not offer the redundancy you’re looking for. If they don’t produce the PSU a few years in, you will have to go through the approval process again to keep your device on the market with new production runs. RAM Technologies guarantees that we will produce the PSU for the life of your device, saving you time and money on FDA or other approval processes. We are committed to providing reliable and efficient power solutions for the medical industry only, making us laser-focused on your most pertinent concerns.

If you have a question about efficiency and performance data, please reach out to us and we can help you find a PC-based PSU that meets your specifications.


RAM Technologies’ power supplies are 60601-1 3.2 certified. When you’re designing your medical device and need help with a PSU,  contact us for details.

More Resources:

Custom Medical Power Supplies

Custom Power Supply Cables for Medical Devices

Buy vs. Build: Power Supply Options


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